Thursday, September 30, 2010

Boring Weather Pattern For Many

I tell you what - this September has been the most boring one (for me) in terms of weather in several years.

Granted there have been exciting things happening in others parts of the country - such as the conveyor belt of moisture running up the east coast today.

I guess for some the record heat might be exciting - we've had all kinds of record highs here in the Denver area this month with unusually warm temps.

And how bout those all-time highs in So. California earlier this week? Pretty amazing.

But enough with heat - I am ready for some fall weather and a cool, overcast, foggy day that I can stay in my PJ's all day, eat chili and watch tv.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fall Arrives - What Lies Ahead?

Fall is officially here in just a little over 24 hours - so what lies ahead?

We are in a La Nina pattern over the weeks ahead, and that means a warmer and drier than normal winter for the middle of the country according to long term forecasts.

It will be wetter than normal in the northern tier of states and across the south.

These are just predictions from the climate prediction center. You can see more by clicking here.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Awesome Images of Fourmile Fire

Well I am sure most of you have seen the big fire just northwest of Denver on the news. It broke out around 10 am Monday and has already burned nearly 10,000 acres.

Sadly, dozens of structures have been lost.

Here is a link to some incredible photos of the fire as seen from satellites.

Click here for the pics.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tropics Grow Busy as Season Peaks

The tropical season is nearing it's mid-September peak in a few weeks - and that can't be more clear as we've seen things really heat up in the Atlantic.

Forecasters are currently monitoring Hurricane Earl, which is expected to give the eastern seaboard a pretty good scare as we head into the holiday weekend.

Some data suggests it will skirt right along the coast, while other models still say it will turn away in time, just brushing the Outer Banks.

And of course, there is always the chance it will not turn and make a direct hit.

Behind Earl is Fiona and behind that is Depression #9.