Friday, April 29, 2011

Here comes the flooding

Forecasters are predicting a flood that  could river that of the mid 1930s along the Mississippi River Valley south of St. Louis.

Also included in the flood danger zone is the Ohio River Valley.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

What a beautiful sight!

For the first time in I don't know how long ... the US National Watch and Warning map is free of Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado watches and warnings. YAY!!!!!!!!!

Now we have flooding and extreme fire danger to deal with before more storms over the weekend.

Break from the severe storms

Well the poor southern states will finally catch a break from the historic severe weather outbreak this weekend.

But only for a few days before more storms and severe weather enter the picture toward the end of the weekend.

For now, let's focus on the dry few days and pray for the recovery/search and rescue operations.

This was the worst tornado event since 1974's Super Outbreak on April 3-4.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

5,000 severe weather reports and counting!

I was just adding up the severe weather reports so far for the month of April ... over 500 tornadoes and over 5,000 reports of hail and high winds!

Can't wait to see how this all stacks up statistically once the months ends.

Today we are watching for very heavy rain across southern Missouri. Tomorrow a moderate risk of severe storms once again ... this time with a bullseye over Arkansas.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Will April set a record for severe weather?

Wow - what an AMAZING month this has been for severe weather across the United States. It seems like almost every day .. if not every few ... we've seen large outbreaks.

You tube video from St. Louis Airport!

I just can't believe the direct hit that Lambert St. Louis Int'l Airport took today.  It will be amazing to see the first pictures when daylight hits.

Initial reports say the airport will be closed indefinitely. Wow!  That will really take a local toll on the city.

So far this month there have seen several hundred tornadoes and thousands of hail and high wind reports.  I think there have been at least 50 or 60 deaths due to the weather.

Now we will be dealing with some serious flooding issues along the Mississippi, Ohio and Red Rivers.  Here in the Rockies we are dealing with some flooding from the melt of a very deep snowpack.

At least 3 Colorado ski resorts have recorded over 500 inches of snow this year!  One resort still have over 100 inches on the ground!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

PDS Tornado Watch

A severe weather outbreak is in progress over the southern plains this afternoon - it will last well into the night.

A PDS Tornado Watch has been issued for portions of Oklahoma and Kansas. This means a "particularly dangerous situation" is unfolding.

In other words ... there is a higher than normal confidence in the potential for tornadoes.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tornado outbreak in Wisconsin tied for worst ever in April

This is pretty amazing ... the huge severe weather outbreak over the past weekend produced 10 tornadoes in Wisconsin ... and that ties it for the largest April outbreak on record.

Click here to read more!

More severe weather is expected on Thursday - this time across the southern and central plains.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Finally some sun in Seattle

Seattle had the most sunshine yesterday that it has seen since February 25!   Can you imagine?

I know some people that live in the Seattle area and they say if you can just get through the rainy season .... which is fall into spring ... the rest of the year is worth it!

Seattle typically has a beautiful late spring and summer ... lush and green with a beautiful setting of mountains and water.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Winter up north, near summer down south

It's the annual battle of the seasons across the nation this weekend with a winter storm sinking slowing south across the northern plains states - meanwhile - warm and humid air over the south will give way to an outbreak of severe weather heading into Sunday and Monday.

Places like Denver, Co are caught in the middle - with a record high of 84 degrees on Saturday giving way to a 50 degree temperature drop by late Sunday along with snow.

Below is a map of the weather threats that will likely make headlines over the next 72 hours.