Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Another deadly day possible

It breaks my heart to write this type of message in advance but even if one person who lives in the danger zone reads my blog and takes extra precaution ... than it is worth it.

An extremely dangerous severe weather outbreak is possible today in the areas shaded pinkish-red.  We could be talking another Joplin or Tuscaloosa type event.

Around that is a moderate risk and then all areas in yellow could see some severe storms today.

By far... the largest populaton centers at greatest risk today include Wichita, KS, Joplin, MO, Oklahoma City, OK, Tulsa, OK, and Fayetteville, AR.

Be planning your day NOW ... get batteries for your NOAA weather radio. If you don't have one, consider getting one if you can afford it. Radio Shack has great ones.

Decide where you will go in your home should a storm approach. Lowest level, interior room - put as many walls between you and the outside as possible. A closet works well.

Cover your head - flying debris is a huge killer during a tornado.

It is not WHIMPY to be prepared and to plan in advance ... believe it or not ... I've heard that before.

Talk this potential weather event up with friends and loved ones today ... it is a great way to spread awareness and keep everyone on their toes.

Use technology ... there are many services these days that can send alerts to your cell phone, email or computer when bad weather strikes.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Quiet stretch of weather very welcome

After a record breaking and extremely bad month of severe weather, May has delivered a relatively quiet weather pattern to the nation. (in terms of severe weather)

We are still dealing with some major flooding issues and those will unfortunately continue over at least the next 2 weeks.

More heavy rain and snow will move into the northern Rockies and portions of the nation's center later this week.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Warming up

Near record highs along the Front Range this weekend ... we missed it here in Denver yesterday by one degree.  Today's record high is 91.

We'll get up in the vicinity but will probably not break it.

The fire danger is increasing ... I just wish we could have some of that water the Ohio and Mississippi River Valleys' are dealing with.

The flood waters are rolling toward New Orleans. They may have to open flood gates that haven't been opened in over two decades!

An interesting story to watch for sure.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Tropical downpours across south

Many of the southern states are being soaked today with very heavy rain.

In central Arkansas, thousands woke up to flooded streets and yards on Sunday morning.  Reports of 6 to 10 inches of rain in less than 10 hours have been common.

Near Petit Jean State Park, one report included 1.42 inches of rain in just 35 minutes!!!